Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Trip to Brian Head to go sledding!

Tuesday: Lance took the kids up to Brian Head with him. He has a small job up there, so he took care of business and then took the kids sledding.
I was at work at I missed out on the fun!
Thanks guys for taking pictures for me to blog!!
Jaycie took this amazing picture of Jaxyn!
It's my favorite....and doesn't he look like he's having a blast? It's SNOW fun!
Brynklie is more my kid, she spent the day mostly in the
truck because she was cold! But it looks like things warmed up!
What's that kid doing without a coat on???
Looks like Skyler took a "snow dive"!
It really must have been warm, since nobody seems to need a coat!
Jaxyn and Dad having lots of fun!What's a good sledding trip without some good turfs?

I have to laugh at Brynklie trying not to touch the my kid!
Wipe out!

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