Sunday, January 25, 2009

A no picture week...

Ugh, is it true? I really didn't take any pictures this week. I guess I have to learn to be more well rounded. This is how our week went.....
Get up at 4:30 am to do paper route, get ready for work/school, go to work/school, get home from work at 6pm, eat dinner, make dinner for the next night, homework, baths, in bed by 9pm....repeat! Hopefully the coming week will bring more picture opportunities! Come to think of it, I had a great one and missed it. On Thursday night the YW presidency took me to Olive Garden for dinner! It was so much fun, and I will miss them terribly! I will always cherish their friendship and know that they will remain my dearest of friends. Thanks friends!
Have a great week.....hopefully you all have many picture opportunities! I can't wait til dance competitions, softball, and track start! Life will progress once again!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Me, Myself, and I

I have to admit that I feel a bit guilty blogging only about myself this week....
but, it's been a crazy, whirlwind, life changing week for me!
Here's what I accomplished...
The St. George Painter's Half Marathon
Here I am preparing for the race...putting on the chip!
Everyone waiting for the race to was a bit chillie!
On your mark, get set, GO! This is about Mile 9...
I felt really good the whole race, which came as a huge surprise to me!

Having a great time! I must not have pushed it hard enough!!
It was just too much fun!
I finished in 2:13.33
A great time for taking it pretty easy and feeling great after the race.
My ribs didn't bother me for the most part during the race, but
they near killed me after. They had chiropractors for massages
after the race and they were able to get me back to
feeling awesome!
The whole experience was amazing....can't wait til the next one!
I felt like it was my first day of Kindergarten throughout the day having all these
pictures taken of me. But I am grateful to my mom and Lance
for being there to take the pictures! It's fun to be able to relive the memories!
My First Day of Work!
(I really do feel like a kindergartener!)
The other really fun thing that happened this week is that I started
back to work! I am now working with State Farm Insurance - the Greg Ashcroft Agency!
I look forward to this change and feel it will be the first step in many life changes!
Life will be very full of routine for me now! My work schedule is
9am to 6 pm, Monday thru Friday.
I will have to be very structured, but I've found that is when I get the most done and
feel the most accomplished!
Feel free to share any suggestions and secrets of pulling off this chapter of my life!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kylie's favorite place.....The Mall!

Kylie and her friend Jasmine took a trip to the mall on Saturday!
She thought it would be fun to take the camera and mess around!
That is fine with me, it gives me somthing to blog about!
There were lots more cute pics, but it would take up a whole page!
They had a great time and aren't they cute!
Love you Ky!

Jaycie's Jr. Prom Invite

On Monday night Jaycie came home to a very decorative room!
Confetti and and shredded paper galore!
A poster was taped to her closet door.....
Jaycie, I love you (as a friend)
Jaycie, I do!
Jr. Prom would be way fun with you!
Her instructions were to look through all of the
papers with boy's names on them.
When she found the one that was a different color, the name of
her date would be on that one!
She looked.......
And she looked......
until she was almost frustrated!
But then.....
she got an idea!!!
Could it be so simple?

Ugh!!! Yes, it was that simple!
Tyler Griffin was a clever boy! He will be her date for her first Jr. Prom!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kylie's 14th Birthday!

My sweet Kylie Sue turned 14!
How do these kids get to be so old? It just seems like yesterday that
she was running around in her pink cowboy boots, her hair an unruly mess, and no clothes on!
Now she is our fashion expert!
Kylie is amazing, she holds this family together by helping everyone! She has a great attitude
and always wears a smile!
Happy Birthday Kylie!
Kylie's dirt cake!
The worms spell out Kylie 14!
How creative!
Opening her gifts.
Kylie's new YW leader brought this to her!
What a "sweet" gift!

Kylie's Second Birthday Wish!

Kylie's second birthday wish was to go to
In-n-Out! I don't know that she will ever get sick of that place!
The teenagers having a great time!
Tyler had to be removed from the picture of "unmentionable" reasons!
Da Boys!Even the adults had a good time!

Me and my girl!

Sledding with the Griffins!

For Kylie's 14th birthday we went sledding up to Pine Valley with the Griffins!
That was one of her "birthday wishes".
Mom and Jaycie enjoying some yummy hot cocoa.
Trina brought some really good vanilla cinnamon was divine!
These pictures are in reverse order, we went sledding before we drank
hot cocoa. Kylie stirring her hot cocoa and falling into a snow bank!
She is multi talented.
Jaxyn loves his cocoa!
Everyone was really glad to get some warm drink after a day of
cold snow!
Tyler getting a much deserved snow bath! I think
he gave one to everyone else.
Jaycie's turn for the dog pile....Tyler instigated all of the
snow torture!
Kylie after her snow bath/dog pile!
Glad she is still smiling!
Poor Kylie!This is me! I thought the tube would be a good choice....nice and soft!
This is also me, in complete pain! I didn't think about the fact that
I might fall through the hole after flying off the jump and smack my ribs
on the hard packed snow. I think I may have cracked a few.
I no longer take breathing for granted.
Might I also mention this is day 3 of 2009 and it's my 2nd injury of the year.
My track record isn't so great so far!
Jaxyn knows how to have fun in the snow!

Skyler had a good experience with the tube!Jaycie and Kylie on the orange sled....this thing was
fast and dangerous!

They came out of it with all smiles!
This is my first run of the day. On the orange sled.
It was actually the safest ride I had. But we ended up
taking the girls out at the bottom of the hill!
I love this picture of Jaxyn coming down the hill, and coming off of his sled!
He was quite the trooper!
Brynklie Jo wasn't that much for sledding, but she
had fun climbing through the snow and coming
down the hill on her bottom!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rose Bowl Party....Happy New Year!

I started off the New Year with a $10,000 moment.
This morning I went for a run, about 1.5 miles into it, I got a bit warm. I called Lance who was at the track with Jaycie and had him come by and grab my scarf so I didn't have to pack it on my run. While running up a small grade to Lance's truck....I clumsily tripped on the curb and went head first into the back door, driver's side of his truck. Yes, I made a dent. ( you can't really see it great in the picture below, but it's there!)
If you can't laugh at yourself.....I guess you shouldn't laugh at other's either!
I got a pretty good laugh out of this, so did Lance and Jaycie.
I did continue on my run and finished out about 9 miles.
I think I'm a bit shorter now, tonight my neck is pretty sore and I have a head ache.
I really hope this isn't an indication of how the rest of my year is going to go.

The Griffin's invited us over for the Rose Bowl today! The guys hung out and watched the

game and the gals went up and watched Mamma Mia! Normally, I really like
to watch football, but I would choose a musical anyday over football!
Even listening to Pierce Brosnan murder "I do, I do". That's my favorite scene in the
whole movie...btw!

I wonder who we were cheering for?

The gang, watching USC win!

John made his famous "Mantown" brisket! I've mentioned it before...
my favorite meal!
Brisket, baked beans, cheezy potatoes and corn bread.
The Griffin's made their bbq bacon wrapped shrimp and carne asada. (they get it a meat
market in Vegas......oh, my, gosh, it's so good!)
This meal rocked!

Tyler has been trying to get me to hold his snake forever....
now we have proof that I finally did!
Kylie has also had a snake phobia....this didn't help!

Lovin' the snake!
Kylie and Tyler
more future wedding pictures.....with the snake.
I don't know if I've mentioned Kylie and Tyler's plan to marry one day.
They aren't romantically involved, but are constantly planning for their future. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that Tyler is going to be a rich doctor some day.
Hmmm, smart thinkin' Ky!