Friday, October 31, 2008

The 13th Floor

One of my favorite things is going to my kids' programs and plays! Kylie this year is taking Drama at the middle school! They put on a play called "The 13th Floor", about kids who go to a party at a hotel on the 13th Floor......which isn't supposed to exist since all hotel floors go from 12 to 14! Kylie had many parts and it was super fun to watch her put her fun out going personality to work! She totally cracks me up!
The monsters came out and danced to "Thriller"!
Kylie also played the part of "Jane" in the lip sync version of Ray Steven's
Guitarzan! She was HILLARIOUS!!!
Get outta the way baby, I'm tryin to sing!
The skeleton dance, which one is Kylie???
She also played the "complainer"!
a police officer,
and last but not least....a very cute pirate!
Great job're awesome!

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