Sunday, February 8, 2009

27 Dresses?

Actually only 18!
This past week Jaycie and her dad went up to Provo to buy her first prom dress! What a great dad! She was really in luck, because not only did she end up with one, but she got two! She tried on 18 dresses, she was shooting for 27........but got tired! Here are a few of the
dresses she tried on.I'm not going to tell you which ones she got.....
Hmmmm, was it this one?

I'm grateful for a daughter who insists on wearing
only modest dresses! She's awesome!
She had a great time!

We'll keep you in suspense!
Watch for the upcoming proms to see the results!

1 comment:

Serenity said...

Wow! She looks great in all of them!couldn't pick a fav. You're right about it going too fast. I thought about that while I was rocking her in the middle of the night. It was a little more enjoyable.... a little :) looks like you know first hand how time flies. I can't believe how big your kids all are!! (and very photogenic... you're family is gorgeous)